Sunday 12 June 2011

Clone Walker Battle Pack

Clone Commander
This is one cool commander! He have two blaster pistols, some neck and some command gear.
I like this one because the he is almost like a cowboy, but in spaaaace. And without a hat.

Clone Trooper
This is the backbone of the clone army, I really like these guys.
This one have a blaster pistol and I chose the flash light for his helmet. not much to say but he's cool.

 Clone Trooper
 Yepp this is the other one. He is the same (they are clones) as the other one but on his helmet I put the antenna thingy.

Clone Gunner
So this is the different guy in this battle pack. I really like his helmet and torso.
He is called the gunner so I guess if you have the clone turbo tank you can put him on top by the cannon there. He comes with a blaster pistol.

Clone Walker
So here we are, the main build.
It has two flick fire missiles and legs that you can move so it "walks". The only thing I don't like in this set is the stickers, there is two of them. You can see one from here, the republic symbol on the side of the walker. but it could be worse, it could have more.

Mini Clone Walker
This one is not a part of the set but I put him in here anyway.
He is like the other ones but he have his own little walker, it is really cool and for £2 it's a bargain. I was lucky enough to find this one in ASDA (supermarket owned by Wallmart) and I think that is the only place in the UK that is selling them.