Friday 20 May 2011

Assassin Droids Battle Pack

 Assassin Droid
This one comes with a blaster gun and is in a silver colour (obvious if you look at the picture).
It's not much you can do with these guys because they aren't that common in the Star Wars saga. Well you can use them as IG-88 (Boba Fett's companion) but that's it. I don't mind this set thou, you get five figures and a very cool looking speeder.
 Assassin Droid
This one looks the same but doesn't come with a gun. This one is the driver or gunner of the speeder, whichever you chose.

Assassin Droid
You said it, an other one. This one comes with a rifle thou.

 Elite Assassin Droid
Aha a new one you think. No this one is the same but black. It comes with a rifle.
I have to admit that I like this one the most in the set. The black makes it look cool.
Elite Assassin Droid
And again the same, no gun so this one is for the speeder.
So this is the main build in the set. I really like this one. It looks really cool, it is quite big to come in a battle pack as well.
There is two flick fire missiles and two blasters so it is well defended for a speeder, but it is for assassins so i guess that is why. 

Sunday 15 May 2011

Mandalorian Battle Pack

As awesome as Boba Fett.
So here we finally are, the death watch/mandalorian soldier.
They all look the same in this set but who cares, they are cool. This guy comes with a blaster pistol.
They have the same shape as the new Boba Fett witch makes them look nicer than the old one like Jango fett, who is more cute that fearsome.
As I said before, the same as the other but with a rifle.
Yepp one more.
This one have two smaller pistols, like the clone commander. I use this one as the leader for this pack but it is up to you to decide.
Mandalorian assassin
Yes there is one assassin on this group but it didn't say witch one so I use this guy for it.
He have a sniper or machine gun, depends how you see it. I prefer it to be a sniper thou.
The only bad thing with this weapon is that you have to have it in a slight angel for him to hold it, but it looks really nice.
This is how they look like without the helmet.
I'm not the biggest fan of the looks of the face and they all have the same, despite them not being clones.
Mandalorian Speeder
This one of the two main builds in the set.
A really nice looking speeder and it does the job well.
Blaster turret
And here is the second build.
It is okay, nothing much to say really. A bit boring but I guess if you want to make a small base this is a good first defend. So yeah it works in this set.

Saturday 14 May 2011

Clone Trooper Battle Pack

 Bomb Squad trooper
A really cool figure.
This clone are exactly like the old one from the clone walker pack but with orange colouring. I can't remember where in the clone wars series I've seen them but I guess it is quite accurate. 
 Bomb Squad trooper
It's the same as the one above, this one have a blaster pistol instead of a rifle.
 ARF Trooper 
The coolest guy in this set.
I really like this guy, nothing wrong at all. The only thing is with this set is that I wish it came with two of him than the bomb squad trooper.
He have a normal clone body but with a new helmet.

Clone commander
An other very nice figure.
I really like the green colour scheme of him, looks a bit like a swamp trooper but still very different.
So this is how the figures look like without their helmets on. They all look the same, they are clones after all.
Speeder bike
This is the main attraction in this set.
A very cool looking speeder and with some cool stuff you can use for something else. Like the two harpoons or two sets of skies.
It is a quick build but it is a battle pack so you don't buy it for the building experience, you buy it for the figures.

Thursday 5 May 2011

Rebel Trooper Battle Pack

Hoth Officer

A cool figure.
So here we are. So cold, but still the planet is called Hoth...
really like this set and the figures that are in it. This one is the officer, because he have a moustache. Nothing bad to say about him, he have a blaster, a backpack and a cool helmet. 
 Rebel Soldier

Another cool figure (and not just because they are on a snow planet).
I use this guy with his goggles down because I use him as the pilot of the speeder. Not so much to say, nice printing on his torso, nice helmet.
If you are in to WW2 stuff you can use these guys as Africa corps, just a little tip.

 Rebel Soldier

He is the the same as the one above.
The face is the same, the only difference is that this guy have a rifle and his goggles are on top of his helmet.
I don't know why most of the new LEGO figures are unhappy but it seems like it. Must be the recession...
Zev Senesca

My favourite in this set.
"Echo Base, this is Rogue Two. I've found them. Repeat, I've found them"
Yes good folks, it is that guy! he is a good character even if he didn't last to long in the movie.
Not much more I can say just that I really like the orange suit and the helmet.
He comes with a blaster gun.
Rebel combat speeder

So yes...Really?
I have no idea why they put this thing in the set. I haven't seen it the movie so i presume it is just for filling the box with LEGO.
I have to admit thou I like the canon on top.
I think this is like a transport speeder of some sort because of the big cargo hole in front of the canon. It also have two flick fire missiles and a blaster pistol.

Monday 2 May 2011

Snowtrooper Battle Pack


AT-AT Driver

To me this guy is just okay.
He have a very cool helmet but on the backside of the helmet it looks like it is missing something, you can see the neck of his head...I guess he isn't meant to be running away from anyone.

 Imperial Officer

I like this one.
He have diversity like no one else in this set, he works well as an officer and as an AT-ST driver. I know he is a little bit different than the original AT-ST driver but if you are like me and don't have that set but you have The Battle Of Endor set, then he work perfectly.


What can I say, you can't go wrong with this guy.
A very cool figure, not much bad to say, the only thing I can come up with is that his backpack is stuck to his helmet. But to be fair I think that work better, otherwise his head will be to high up and that might look weird to some.

Yeeeepp the same looking guy as the one above, this one have a rifle thou.
Oh yeah I forgot both the Snowtroopers and the AT-AT Driver have black heads, no face or nothing.
Battle Station

I don't know what to say really...pointless but I welcome an extra play factor. This "battle station" have a radar (looks like a sonar), to blasters and a very nice looking missile, a flick fire missile to many peoples horror.
Here is the backside of the battle station and as you can see, the radar/sonar and the two blaster guns.
I forgot to mention the missile is on a technic pin so you can raise and lower the missile, depending how tall your little brother or sister is.
Snow speeder

This is my favourite!
I think LEGO did a great job with the accuracy of this speeder, compared to the one in the movie .
I have nothing bad to say about it, other than that I want an other one.

Just as I said the black head of the troopers and the "missing" part of the AT-AT driver's helmet. Nothing to make a fuss about just wanted to show it.