Sunday 15 May 2011

Mandalorian Battle Pack

As awesome as Boba Fett.
So here we finally are, the death watch/mandalorian soldier.
They all look the same in this set but who cares, they are cool. This guy comes with a blaster pistol.
They have the same shape as the new Boba Fett witch makes them look nicer than the old one like Jango fett, who is more cute that fearsome.
As I said before, the same as the other but with a rifle.
Yepp one more.
This one have two smaller pistols, like the clone commander. I use this one as the leader for this pack but it is up to you to decide.
Mandalorian assassin
Yes there is one assassin on this group but it didn't say witch one so I use this guy for it.
He have a sniper or machine gun, depends how you see it. I prefer it to be a sniper thou.
The only bad thing with this weapon is that you have to have it in a slight angel for him to hold it, but it looks really nice.
This is how they look like without the helmet.
I'm not the biggest fan of the looks of the face and they all have the same, despite them not being clones.
Mandalorian Speeder
This one of the two main builds in the set.
A really nice looking speeder and it does the job well.
Blaster turret
And here is the second build.
It is okay, nothing much to say really. A bit boring but I guess if you want to make a small base this is a good first defend. So yeah it works in this set.

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