Thursday 5 May 2011

Rebel Trooper Battle Pack

Hoth Officer

A cool figure.
So here we are. So cold, but still the planet is called Hoth...
really like this set and the figures that are in it. This one is the officer, because he have a moustache. Nothing bad to say about him, he have a blaster, a backpack and a cool helmet. 
 Rebel Soldier

Another cool figure (and not just because they are on a snow planet).
I use this guy with his goggles down because I use him as the pilot of the speeder. Not so much to say, nice printing on his torso, nice helmet.
If you are in to WW2 stuff you can use these guys as Africa corps, just a little tip.

 Rebel Soldier

He is the the same as the one above.
The face is the same, the only difference is that this guy have a rifle and his goggles are on top of his helmet.
I don't know why most of the new LEGO figures are unhappy but it seems like it. Must be the recession...
Zev Senesca

My favourite in this set.
"Echo Base, this is Rogue Two. I've found them. Repeat, I've found them"
Yes good folks, it is that guy! he is a good character even if he didn't last to long in the movie.
Not much more I can say just that I really like the orange suit and the helmet.
He comes with a blaster gun.
Rebel combat speeder

So yes...Really?
I have no idea why they put this thing in the set. I haven't seen it the movie so i presume it is just for filling the box with LEGO.
I have to admit thou I like the canon on top.
I think this is like a transport speeder of some sort because of the big cargo hole in front of the canon. It also have two flick fire missiles and a blaster pistol.

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