Monday 2 May 2011

Snowtrooper Battle Pack


AT-AT Driver

To me this guy is just okay.
He have a very cool helmet but on the backside of the helmet it looks like it is missing something, you can see the neck of his head...I guess he isn't meant to be running away from anyone.

 Imperial Officer

I like this one.
He have diversity like no one else in this set, he works well as an officer and as an AT-ST driver. I know he is a little bit different than the original AT-ST driver but if you are like me and don't have that set but you have The Battle Of Endor set, then he work perfectly.


What can I say, you can't go wrong with this guy.
A very cool figure, not much bad to say, the only thing I can come up with is that his backpack is stuck to his helmet. But to be fair I think that work better, otherwise his head will be to high up and that might look weird to some.

Yeeeepp the same looking guy as the one above, this one have a rifle thou.
Oh yeah I forgot both the Snowtroopers and the AT-AT Driver have black heads, no face or nothing.
Battle Station

I don't know what to say really...pointless but I welcome an extra play factor. This "battle station" have a radar (looks like a sonar), to blasters and a very nice looking missile, a flick fire missile to many peoples horror.
Here is the backside of the battle station and as you can see, the radar/sonar and the two blaster guns.
I forgot to mention the missile is on a technic pin so you can raise and lower the missile, depending how tall your little brother or sister is.
Snow speeder

This is my favourite!
I think LEGO did a great job with the accuracy of this speeder, compared to the one in the movie .
I have nothing bad to say about it, other than that I want an other one.

Just as I said the black head of the troopers and the "missing" part of the AT-AT driver's helmet. Nothing to make a fuss about just wanted to show it.

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